Your Circles

Agassiz Circle

Agassiz Circle

Agassiz Circle connects the former Humboldt Parkway to Delaware Park.  Agassiz Circle was once the grand entryway into Delaware Park, but has been degraded by the Scajaquada Expressway.

Colonial Circle

Colonial Circle which was once called Bidwell Place, connects Richmond Avenue with Bidwell parkway.  There is a statue of Brigadier General Daniel Davidson Bidwell in the center of the circle astride a horse.

Gates Circle_3

Gates Circle

Gates Circle, which was once called Chapin Place is the terminus of the Olmsted Parkway System at Chapin Parkway and Delaware Ave.

Ferry Circle

Ferry Circle

 Ferry Circle is at the intersection of W Ferry and Richmond Avenue.  It was recently restored based upon its original design by Frederick Law Olmsted Sr.

McClellan Circle_June 2018

McClellan Circle

McClellan Circle has a five hundred foot right-of way.  It connects Red Jacket Parkway to McKinley Parkway. The small center is embellished with a bed of flowering annuals, perennials, and shrubs.

McKinley Circle

McKinley Circle

McKinley Circle is on McKinley Parkway between Cazenovia Park and South Park.  It is part of the border between the City of Buffalo and Lackawanna.

Soldiers Circle

Soldiers Circle

Soldiers Circle, once called Soldiers Place, was once lined with iron Civil War cannons.  These may be replaced in the future.

Symphony Circle_Nov 2018

Symphony Circle

Symphony Circle gets its name from the nearby Kleinhans Music Hall.  Olmsted provided a tree-shaded walk on the outer side of each of the four separate panels created by the streets entering the circle, while near the inner edge of each he provided a fountain, and dense masses of shrubbery that provided shelter and a noise barrier for seats.